October 16, 2009

Story Time With J - "Mesmerizing Performance"

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, thank you thank you. You're far too kind." I project confidently in Jay-Z voice. Then with one last glimpse in the mirror, I scrape that pesky piece of leftover food from last nights dinner off my gum, and I'm good to go. Que my intro music. Oh wait, that's when I have to start humming. Is that the Beatles "Day Tripper" coming from my lips? Oh well, whatever works! Towel drops, boom! I ever so smoothly lift my right leg over the fifteen inch ledge, followed by my left. And I'm in. The crowd goes wild! A couple deep breaths as I adjust my overhang mic. One knob, two, knob, three knob. That's it; the water's just fine...

Okay okay. You guys are probably wondering what in the world is this dude talking about!? Sounds like wishful thinking of some sort of stage performance, huh? Well, something like that, but this is literal! I decided to give my readers out there my top 5 songs to belt out in the shower! Make sense now? Well here they are...

#5. "Gangster Nation" - Westside Connection

Sorry, guilty pleasure...

#4. "The Star Spangled Banner" - Francis Scott Key

I often enjoy honoring my native land while scrubba dub dubbin...

#3. "Rocky Top Tennessee" - Felice and Boudleaux Bryan

An old camping habit...

#2. "L.O.V.E" - Nat "King" Cole

Performed by many, none so great as... me! Who'd you think I was gonna say?!

#1. "Row Row Row Your Boat"

Greatest nursery rhyme of all time!!

And there you have it, ladies and gents! Please oh please, no scrutinizing my list. Simply take me for who I am, haha. Feel free to message me your top five, and maybe I can work out a new segment for the blog one day... -JS

1 comment:

  1. Best post so far. Laughed and decided to take a shower.
