September 21, 2009

Quote/Thought of the Day

"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams

Being a perfectionist myself, it has always been a struggle for me to complete a project due to my thinking that it wasn't good enough. I have never had a problem starting a task, but finish one is another story. No matter what I strive to do, I always want the outcome to be perfection. What a difficult way to live! It is not a bad goal at all, but you must be willing to complete something in order to learn and grow for the next go around. Without mistakes along the way, how will we know what to do next time? As long as we are learning from those mistakes and finding out how to avoid them, it is a job well done! It is not completely bad to learn as you go at times. Yes, there should be proper preparation and research, but you will never accomplish anything if you are not willing to get your hands dirty and make a few wrong turns. This is a difficult lesson for me that I must continually remind myself of. I believe that I have taken great strides in correcting the issue, however. Take this blog for instance. There are constantly thoughts and ideas running through my mind of how it could be better and more appealing, but I have challenged myself to learn as I go. I am willing to fall down, but most definitely get back up every time and go at it even harder. Let your creativity take you places you didn't even know were possible! Don't get just halfway and decide you need a better product. Stick it out! Learn from what you have already done, and one day satisfaction will come!

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