September 17, 2009

Crackberry Catch of the Day/Thought of the Day

So I was on my lunch break at work the other day when I happened to look over and see this elderly couple sitting at the table next to me. I'm a people watcher so I always catch myself observing and noticing odd things about random, helpless characters that are nearest to me. In this case, it was more of some thoughts and curiosities that were running through my head than anything that the folks were actually doing. For some reason my thought process was focused on the elderly man. I began to wonder if this man had accomplished all that he had intended to. Had he be able to completely check off everything on his "Life To-Do List?" I'm sitting there next to him at the ripe age of 23, thinking that I have all the time in the world to tackle the many aspects of life that I intend to, but what about this guy? What did he have left to take on? Or was he in fact, finished? I certainly hope not. Just as I hope and pray that when I reach his age, I am still fighting for dreams that have yet to come true. I sincerely strive to wake up each day with a new set of goals for myself, new worlds to conquer! My point to all of this is never lose your fire! Whatever you have to do to keep your internal flame stoked, do it at all costs. When you are lying there on your death bed, do you really want thoughts of if's and but's and only if I could have's running through your head?

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