January 26, 2010

J Says (Pt. 6)

The laborious struggle now flipped into an adventure of wonderment, the man set off down the steep path toward what he hoped to be a spring or some sort of body of water. More so embracing the solo aspect of his journey, he now moved from time of reflection to moments of pure enjoyment and even goofing off. Running and leaping into the air with all his might, he grabbed onto a branch that stuck out just above his reach. Unsuredly what the sole purpose of the act was, he simply swung to and fro for a bit with a childish grin upon his face. When he released his grip from the tree, almost instantly he found himself transfixed on a glistening spot just in the distance. He hit the ground with feet immediately churning and was off in a dead sprint. Shedding all of his burdens if you will, along the way the leach-like pack was the first to come crashing to the ground, followed by his cap and his jacket, then one shirt, two shirts. The next articles were a bit more challenging however, so hopping on one foot in hopes of releasing his feet from his boots that were so tightly fastened to his feet, he found himself tumbling to the ground and began barreling down the hill as if a snowball gaining momentum. Almost unaffected by the minor setback, he continue to lighten his load and strip the remaining remnants from his rejuvenated body. Just in time, he gathered himself back onto his feet, took three big foot size steps and one Jordan sized hop onto a bolder that sit three feet high, then launched his freed spirit, mind and body included, into the air to find himself splashing into the most luxurious body of water he had ever seen.

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