August 28, 2009

Nugget of the Day -- Through the Breaking Point

Growing up, I was one of those kids that everything just came fairly easy to me. And you know, it sounds like a blessing, which it might have been, that is until I started to get into new things that gave me a hard time. The transition was pretty tough for me. I didn't wanna get involved in anything that I had to put the time and effort in, mainly because it was so foreign to me. I remember one instance when I was in high school. I was playing golf, the hardest sport on the planet, with my pops and one of our friends, and I was suckin it up big time. I mean I was tearin up the greens left and right, grass and dirt flying everywhere, as well as my golf ball. Finally, I just got to the point where i picked the ball up and launched it down the greenway by throwing it. Needless to say, my ego got the best of me, and I coudln't take it because I wasn't excelling right away. Ah, that was one of the toughest lessons that I have ever had to learn - how to break through the "sticking point." Nothing worth learning and conquering never comes easy though. If you accomplish a task, and it didn't take the blood, sweat, and tears, then how great can the reward be?? It took me years to be able to drop my ego and just dig down and commit to putting the effort into things. The toughest of obstacles equate for the greatest feeling of accomplishment and self worth, when overcome. My challenge today is to find something that you've been struggling with. Grab it by the horns, and go hard after it. Stay focused. Put in all the man hours, the "blood, sweat, and tears." You will surely learn some things about yourself, as well as stretch yourself, along the journey. Then take that feeling of accomplishment and let it motivate and inspire you to move on to the next obstacle to overcome.


1 comment:

  1. What a great challenge. The key ingredient of a successful career in any vocation is the talent plus the effort. And even if the talent lags behind, the effort will compensate and lift you over the top.
