August 30, 2009

Nugget of the Day -- Head Up, Arms Outstretched

Always keep that head up, even in the darkest hour. Stay true to yourself and the one above. How can you see the blessings he wants to bestow if your head is down with your chin on your chest?! Don't forget, things could always be worse, and there is always someone out there that DOES have worse circumstances than you! Count each blessing that your little mind can think of. Ready, goooooo...... Now get back to me in several years, if you ever get done counting that is haha! My point for today is no matter what you're goin through, keep on the straight and narrow. Something far beyond what you could've ever imagined is just right around the corner. Just don't miss it by sulking and worrying about what you don't have at the moment. Keep your eyes on the prize and those arms wide open, ready to catch the blessings!


  1. Good one! I have indeed had so many blessings in my life, and you are one of them. You're an awesome thinker and communicator. And you'll certainly be a blessing to many as they follow you're advice. Lead on!

  2. Good words of wisdom. We all need to be reminded to count our blessings and look beyond ourselves when we begin our exclusive "pity party"! That will change our perspective and attitude.
