July 5, 2010

Originality vs. Creative Development

What does it mean to be original? Is it strictly owning a thought, idea, creation, not even near ever dreamed of? Or is true originality all lost, and we are simply stuck with morphed views and convictions that in due lead to our current developments? Beethoven. Plato. Thomas Jefferson. Martin Luther. Can there even be unprecedented movements some hundreds and even thousands of years after the beginning of human life?

While moderately conflicted on this topic myself, I am tempted to respond with yes and no. To deem no possibility of turning one's sole dreams into reality is beyond pessimistic and in turn offers up such negativity to never even begin the process. But in 2010, can anything, in fact, be without one trace of an afore-conjured particle? 

Such innovative pioneers as mentioned above have had their concoctions, whether in tangible object or word, taken from since the beginning of time, and in this ongoing debate and investigative report, if you will, I plan to delve deep into certain "founders" of their craft and how their ideas have been modified through the hands of time. 

Stay tuned for my initial look into one of the single most important items in the history of, not only clothing, but travel, comfort, and protection; ie the "shoe."

With each subject and leading person, I will research as close as can be found on the beginnings of the topic or item and the modifications that have been made throughout history. Along the way, I will inform of branches from the original piece and how we see them in our current time period. There will also be a look into inventions and doctrines of modern day, to balance out both sides of the spectrum. Feel free to hit me with suggestions, feedback, or topics that you would like to see discussed. Now hop along for the ride. -J.Sawyer

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting! Looking forward to the update to this.

    thanks for sharing.

    Marcus Troy
