April 26, 2010

Rant Directed at Higher Learning

So in order for me to be awarded the opportunity to fill the paper, I first need a piece of paper from a medium of "higher learning" where they supposedly instruct and prep me with the tools in which to fill that initial paper with. Never mind the simple fact that I just might already obtain the tools needed to be a more colorful creator than they have ever dreamt of.

I understand the proverbial protocol, I really do. But pardon me if I do not deem it necessary for myself to receive a piece of paper that tells me I am knowledgeable and persistent in a certain area. Have we not progressed from the days of the "conventional" after high school experience? Of course, it benefits, shapes, molds multitudes of individuals, but just as I have the choice of paper or plastic, automatic or manual, cash or credit, there is always an alternative or albeit sometimes better option.

And now to address the question that is no doubt burning deep within your cranial cortex. Yes, I went to college. I spent roughly three or so years there and have no regrets with my time spent. I do feel however, that with just about that same allotted time out of school, I have learned and grown leaps and bounds above the bar that was set within the constraints of the university system.

We are all snowflakes, yes. No one person can trod down the exact same path as the other, but I am just speaking on my experiences and where I stand today. As most say, maybe I will be humming a different tune when I'm in my forties or whenever I am blessed with little ones. But for now, this is my conviction, and I'm sticking to it! Bring on the negative feedback.... -JSawyer

I love you all.

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