December 25, 2009

My Take on Christmas '09

Thoughts directed to my dear family regarding Christmas 2009: 

Growing up, it's not uncommon for most children to hear from their parents in so many words or less that the older you get, the less and less you will be concerned with receiving literal, material gifts on Christmas. Now of course at the age of sixteen even, I was still stoked on the latest gadget or newest pair of kicks that jolly old saint Nick was to deliver to me on that blessed holiday. So like most parental advisings, it was somewhat shrugged off, and I would think to myself… but I love me some "stuff!" Just as usual however, the intellectuality and oh so profound wisdom flowing forth from the parental well springs of knowledge did so come to fruition. Although it did take a bit longer than maybe even I myself had suspected in the back of my head, the true essence of family and the holidays are so dear to me this year. 

Being that I have been away from most of my family for the past few years, I do cherish the short gatherings that I am blessed with, especially as sparse as they may be. I do often regret the distance that separates us all, but I am confident that with our small, tight knit family, we are as near and dear to one another's hearts as humanly possible. So as I began to ponder on this holiday season and actually having the opportunity of spending more than 36 hours with the ones I love most in this world, I felt an overwhelming sense of excitement, as well thankfulness. I now can without a doubt say that "toys" no longer serve precedent as part of my Christmas experience. My gifts, when broken down to the core, past all of the commercialization and greedy "me" mentalities are stripped down to a handful of people, most of which just so happened to share my last name. I do not essentially believe that we can ever ultimately shed all of our selfish nature, but I do believe that I am to the closest state of selflessness when it comes to my family. 

Separated by generations, and even the kids being so diverse and eclectic to each his own world, understanding is not always possible, but unconditional love and support is undeniably the backbone and key ingredient that encompasses the Sawyer family. Normalcy, in any regard but especially involving family, is never present, and I don't know about you, but I would hate it if it were! Without tests, trials, hardships, and highs and lows, we would not truly appreciate the supportive aspect of family and coming together in love when all is said and done. For without these things, there would be no "victories" in life even. 

So this holiday season, I hope all of you, just as I myself have, experienced the true, raw meaning and appreciation of family and Christmas when it has been stripped from its commercialized shell or wrapping paper if you will. Mom, Dad, Mandi, Daniel, Becca, and Papa and Nene, you are truly God's most amazing Christmas gifts that have been so intricately placed in my life, gifts that continually present themselves in a thousand different lights. My overwhelming love goes out to you all.

Merry Christmas, 

Jonathan - 12/25/2009

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