November 10, 2009

J Says (Wk. 2)

The once figurative crossroads that plagued the poor soul so intensely, was now more of a literal predicament. Trudging through the brush and debris of the forest, his boots as cinder blocks being drug by his quivering legs, he lifelessly stumbles into an eerily open corridor. At the point of the halt, he shrugs the clinging backpack from his shoulders as to be freed from all his burden. Falling to his knees, the man's head seems to be on a swivel. Taking in all of the new, possible directions. Which way shall he tred? Which path will lead him to the next check point along his journey? Which way will take him home? The abundance of possibilities only proved as more anxiety for the man. His thoughts, looming around in his head like fish amongst bread, immediately reverted back to his fleeing comrades. The decision makers they were, so heady and full of confidence, just the opposite of him. Yet he has no choice. All responsibility lay on his beaten and bruised shoulders. He may as well throw them in his overflowing backpack, which itself seems to be taking its toll on him step by step. He began to float off, deeper and deeper in thought, just as if his mind were spiraling down a dark and bottomless well. One bird, two bird, three birds looming awkwardly overhead, but as if they hold an untold message for the fellow. Just as he peers up to take in what the birds have to offer, he notices the day beginning to break right before him. Should he choose to pull his beaten body and spirit together, continue on before nightfall and possible play victim to the ferocity of the unknown or is it better he stay put, rest on his looming decision, and leave out first thing in the morning? As he braces his body for lifting with his right hand gingerly planted onto the dirt, he begins to quiver. Gasping for breath, his stomach starts to shake as if blending an abundance of materials. With little warning, vomit begins spewing from his lips, acting as if his entire body were volcanically erupting without his consent. Uncontrollably projecting heave after heave, the man slumps over to his side, glares upward, and notices now even the buzzards have abandoned him as well... -JS

*Stay tuned for the third installment of J Says coming next week. I plan to update the segment each Monday, so be on the lookout! Also, if you missed last weeks entry, click here.

1 comment:

  1. You're such an amazing writer! I'm jealous... your stories get better and better :) good work babe.
